2025 5th International Conference on Industrial Manufacturing and New Materials(IMNM 2025)
Call For Papers
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Call For Papers

2025 5th International Conference on Industrial Manufacturing and New Materials(IMNM 2025)serves as good platforms for academics, researchers, and engineers to meet and exchange innovative ideas and information  industrial manufacturing and New materials. We are delighted to invite you to participate in IMNM 2025!

Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:

◕ Industrial Manufacturing Technology | 工业制造技术

Intelligent manufacturing technology   智能制造技术

Measure control technologies and intelligent systems   测控技术与智能系统

Mechatronics   机电一体化

New sensing technology   新型传感技术

Precision manufacturing technology   精密制造技术

Micro-electronic packaging technology and equipment   微电子封装技术与设备

Industrial robots and automatic production line   工业机器人和自动生产线

Advanced NC techniques and equipment   先进的数控技术和设备

* Other related topics..   更多相近主题..

◕ New Materials | 新材料

Materials for Electronics   电子材料

Photonic and Optoelectronic Materials   光子与光电材料

Smart Materials and Structures   智能材料与结构

Energy Materials   能源材料

2D Materials and Applications   二维材料及应用

3D Printing Materials   3D打印材料

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology   纳米材料与纳米技术

High Temperature and Superconducting Materials   高温和超导材料

Semiconductor Material   半导体材料

Magnetic Material   磁性材料

New Functional Materials   新型功能材料

Functional Ceramics   功能陶瓷

Self-healing Materials   自修复材料

Thermoelectric Materials   热电材料

* Other related topics..   更多相近主题..